Thursday, June 5, 2008

All Because

All Because a Baby Fussed
I woke up early this morning,
far earlier than I wanted to
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I burned my fingers
on a too-hot bottle of formula
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I smell like nasty wipes, sour formula,
and spit up
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I didn't talk to my husband all morning,
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I went into the bathroom
and cried until my head hurt,
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I prayed to God
for strength today,
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I told Him I couldn't handle
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I walked over to a playpen
All Because a Baby Fussed.
My neck was hugged with tiny hands,
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I heard a lot of little sighs
and endearing little snores
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I held my daughter close to me
and thanked God for her today
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I realized God had blessed my life
All Because a Baby Fussed.
I knew today that God was with me
and kept me in His care
All Because a Baby Fussed.
Next time when my days goes wrong
and things just get to tough
I'll pray that God would touch my heart
and let MY Baby Fuss.
by J.N.Matheny

Musings about Today

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." ~ John 16:17
Today, I noticed has only been full of the the tribulations that I allow it to have been.
The kids screaming & fighting. I think "Wow! These kids are so bad! Why won't they just shut up!?" After today, I think "Praise God my children have a voice & can cry and laugh. So many children out there are never given the chance. Abortion~Abuse~Neglect all silence childrens' voices. If we stop and really listen; what would we hear?
My husband having to to interrupt our day and stop right in the middle of life to go to work. How aggravating!!! But I have to remind myself ...Praise God that he has a job! They are so hard to come by these days, at least the ones that are respectable and you can raise a family on. God had written us into His plan and sent us this specific job to supply all our needs. Men, by the thousands (and more) are without jobs. Men who truly want to work and want to provide for their families can't. Is it just a job, an aggravation, and interruption to our day, or is it God providing just what we need?
Cheez-Its crushed in the carseats, Juice spilled on the floors, dirty laundry piled up the wall. Praise God for a place to call home! Praise God that we live in a country that doesn't ration our food. Praise God we have clothes to wear and safe clean food to eat. It's not perfect, this home of ours; it has its disadvantages, but it keeps us warm and dry when the rains are pouring in. When we go to bed at night, we can feel safe and know that, God willing, we will wake up just as safe as when we went to bed. How many people can truly say there home is a comfort and they know it is a safe haven?
What brought this musing about today, you may wonder?
As I was taking my husband into work this afternoon, we were met with a scene that I cringe to remember: a woman lying in the road motionless; only moments before having been hit by a truck as she crossed the street (using the crosswalk.) Thankfully, she had not been killed, but still was badly hurt.
Who knows!? Had it been only moments earlier, it could have been my husband. The ride home was slow. My mind rolling, constantly thinking, "only moments sooner could have been...." It was a tearful drive home, but I must ask your forgiveness if you see me on the street kissing my husband a little longer when he goes to work, or if I hug my kids a little tighter; because I never know what God will use to open my eyes and remind me of just Who is really in control.
So, even for the moments that don't take your breath away; PRAISE GOD. He could be protecting you at that very moment from one that may!